Monday, 17 June, 2024
C1 Course 1 - Non-Invasive Site Characterization Using Open-Source Tool

Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Joseph Vantassel (Virginia Tech)
Mon, 17/06/2024
09:00 - 18:00
A4 Building - 204 Room
Mon, 17/06/2024
09:00 - 18:00
A4 Building - 205 Room
C3 Course 3 - Simulation of Insertion Problems in Geotechnics Using G-PFEM

Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Laurin Hauser (CIMNE)
Mon, 17/06/2024
09:00 - 17:00
A4 Building - 206 Room
C4 Course 4 - Monitoring While Drilling

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Jean Benoit (University of New Hampshire)
Mon, 17/06/2024
14:00 - 18:00
C1 Building - 007 Room
Mon, 17/06/2024
18:30 - 20:00
Plaça Telecos
Tuesday, 18 June, 2024
OC Opening Ceremony

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Marcos Arroyo (CIMNE)
Chaired by:
Prof. Marcos Arroyo (CIMNE , Spain)
Tue, 18/06/2024
08:30 - 09:00
Main Auditorium
PSI Plenary Session I

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Jason DeJong (University of California Davis)
Chaired by:
Prof. Jason DeJong (University of California Davis , United States)
Tue, 18/06/2024
09:00 - 11:00
Main Auditorium
Tue, 18/06/2024
11:00 - 19:00
Polyvalent Hall
18A/18B - PSP
Tue, 18/06/2024
11:00 - 19:00
Main Auditorium Hall
18A/18B - PSV
18A - GS 18A - GS Advances in geotechnical site characterization

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Nilo Cesar Consoli (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
Chaired by:
Prof. Nilo Cesar Consoli (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil)
Tue, 18/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
Main Auditorium
18A - GS
18A - MS (II) 18A - MS Pressuremeter Tests

Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Julien Habert (TERRASOL)
Chaired by:
Dr. Julien Habert (TERRASOL , France)
Tue, 18/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
18A - MS (II)
18A - MS (III) 18A - MS Emerging technologies in site characterization for Offshore Wind Towers
Emerging technologies in site characterization for Offshore Wind Towers
Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Luke Prendergast (University of Nottingham)
Chaired by:
Dr. Luke Prendergast (University of Nottingham , United Kingdom)
Tue, 18/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
18A - MS (III)
18A - MS (IV) 18A - MS Sources of error in CPTu testing

Corresponding Organizer: Mr. ALLAN MCCONNELL (Insitu Geotech Services (IGS))
Chaired by:
Mr. ALLAN MCCONNELL (Insitu Geotech Services (IGS) , Australia)
Tue, 18/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
18A - MS (IV)
Tue, 18/06/2024
13:00 - 14:15
Plaça Telecos
PSII Plenary Session II

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Michael Hicks (Delft University of Technology)
Chaired by:
Prof. Michael Hicks (Delft University of Technology , Netherlands)
Tue, 18/06/2024
14:15 - 16:15
Main Auditorium
18B - MS 18B - MS Numerical modelling of in-situ tests

Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Laurin Hauser (CIMNE)
Chaired by:
Dr. Laurin Hauser (CIMNE , Spain)
Tue, 18/06/2024
16:45 - 19:00
Main Auditorium
18B - MS
18B - GS (II) 18B - GS Characterization of non-textbook materials

Corresponding Organizer: Dr. John Powell (Geolabs Limited)
Chaired by:
Dr. John Powell (Geolabs Limited , United Kingdom)
Tue, 18/06/2024
16:45 - 19:00
18B - GS (II)
18B - MS (III) 18B - MS Field monitoring in geomechanics

Corresponding Organizer: Mr. Josep Raventós (SOCOTEC SPAIN)
Chaired by:
Mr. Josep Raventós (SOCOTEC SPAIN , Spain)
Tue, 18/06/2024
16:45 - 19:00
18B - MS (III)
18B - MS (IV) 18B - MS Modelling spatial variabilty and uncertainty (I)

Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Giovanna Vessia (Università di Chieti-Pescara)
Chaired by:
Dr. Giovanna Vessia (Università di Chieti-Pescara , Italy)
Tue, 18/06/2024
16:45 - 19:00
18B - MS (IV)
Wednesday, 19 June, 2024
PSIII Plenary Session III

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. António Viana da Fonseca (University of Porto - Faculdade de Engenharia)
Chaired by:
Prof. António Viana da Fonseca (University of Porto - Faculdade de Engenharia , Portugal)
Wed, 19/06/2024
08:30 - 10:45
Main Auditorium
Wed, 19/06/2024
11:00 - 19:00
Polyvalent Hall
19A/19B - PSP
Wed, 19/06/2024
11:00 - 19:00
Main Auditorium Hall
19A/19B - PSV
19A - MS 19A - MS Data-driven site characterization

Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Joseph Vantassel (Virginia Tech)
Chaired by:
Dr. Joseph Vantassel (Virginia Tech , United States)
Wed, 19/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
Main Auditorium
19A - MS
19A - MS (II) 19A - MS Real-time monitoring of natural and human-made landforms

Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Cristina Vulpe (The University of Western Australia)
Chaired by:
Dr. Cristina Vulpe (The University of Western Australia , Australia)
Wed, 19/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
19A - MS (II)
19A - GS (III) 19A - Advances in CPTu testing and interpretation

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Fernando Schnaid (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)
Chaired by:
Prof. Fernando Schnaid (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil)
Wed, 19/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
19A - GS (III)
19A - GS (IV) 19A - GS Advances in geophysical ground characterization (I)

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Cesare Comina (University of Torino)
Chaired by:
Prof. Cesare Comina (University of Torino , Italy)
Wed, 19/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
19A - GS (IV)
Wed, 19/06/2024
13:00 - 14:15
Plaça Telecos
PSIV Plenary Session IV

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Sebastiano Foti (Politecnico di Torino)
Chaired by:
Prof. Sebastiano Foti (Politecnico di Torino , Italy)
Wed, 19/06/2024
14:15 - 16:15
Main Auditorium
19B - MS 19B - Soil stiffness by direct push and other methods

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Brady Cox (Utah State University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Brady Cox (Utah State University , United States)
Wed, 19/06/2024
16:45 - 18:45
Main Auditorium
19B - MS
19B - MS (II) 19B - Characterization for thermo-hydraulic problems

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Enrique Romero (UPC)
Chaired by:
Prof. Enrique Romero (UPC , Spain)
Wed, 19/06/2024
16:45 - 18:45
19B - MS (II)
19B - MS (III) 19B - MS Digital and intelligent site characterization

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Yu Wang (City University of Hong Kong)
Chaired by:
Prof. Yu Wang (City University of Hong Kong , China, Hong Kong)
Wed, 19/06/2024
16:45 - 18:45
19B - MS (III)
19B - MS (IV) 19B - MS Modelling spatial variabilty and uncertainty (II)

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Wojciech Puła (Wricław University of Science and Twchnology)
Chaired by:
Prof. Wojciech Puła (Wricław University of Science and Twchnology , Poland)
Wed, 19/06/2024
16:45 - 18:45
19B - MS (IV)
Thursday, 20 June, 2024
PSV Plenary Session V

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Rodrigo Salgado (Purdue University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Rodrigo Salgado (Purdue University , United States)
Thu, 20/06/2024
09:00 - 11:00
Main Auditorium
Thu, 20/06/2024
11:00 - 19:00
Polyvalent Hall
20A/20B - PSP
Thu, 20/06/2024
11:00 - 19:00
Main Auditorium Hall
20A/20B - PSV
20A - MS 20A - MS Dynamic penetrometers for soil characterization

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Jason DeJong (University of California Davis)
Chaired by:
Prof. Jason DeJong (University of California Davis , United States)
Thu, 20/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
Main Auditorium
20A - MS
20A - MS (II) 20A - MS Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Advanced Dynamic Characterization of Geomaterials

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Ionut Dragos Moldovan (Universidade Lusófona)
Chaired by:
Prof. Ionut Dragos Moldovan (Universidade Lusófona , Portugal) , Prof. Erdin Ibraim (University of Bristol , United Kingdom)
Thu, 20/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
20A - MS (II)
20A - MS (III) 20A - MS Innovation in DMT and SDMT testing (1)

Corresponding Organizer: Eng. Diego Marchetti (Studio Prof. Marchetti)
Chaired by:
Eng. Diego Marchetti (Studio Prof. Marchetti , Italy)
Thu, 20/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
20A - MS (III)
20A - GS (IV) 20A - GS Advances in geophysical ground characterization (II)

Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Cécile Cornou (IRD/ISTerre)
Chaired by:
Dr. Cécile Cornou (IRD/ISTerre , France)
Thu, 20/06/2024
11:30 - 13:00
20A - GS (IV)
Thu, 20/06/2024
13:00 - 14:15
Plaça Telecos
20B - GS 20B - Geotechnical characterization of mine tailings

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Andy Fourie (University of Western Australia)
Chaired by:
Prof. Andy Fourie (University of Western Australia , Australia)
Thu, 20/06/2024
14:15 - 16:15
Main Auditorium
20B - GS
20B - MS (II) 20B - MS From measurement to reliable in situ geotechnical site characterization – statistical data processing

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Jędrzej Wierzbicki (Adam Mickiewicz University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Jędrzej Wierzbicki (Adam Mickiewicz University , Poland)
Thu, 20/06/2024
14:15 - 16:15
20B - MS (II)
20B - MS (III) 20B - MS Innovation in DMT and SDMT testing (2)

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Paola Monaco (University of L'Aquila)
Chaired by:
Prof. Paola Monaco (University of L'Aquila , Italy)
Thu, 20/06/2024
14:15 - 16:15
20B - MS (III)
20B - MS (IV) 20B - MS Monitoring while drilling and borehole based site investigation

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Jean Benoit (University of New Hampshire)
Chaired by:
Prof. Jean Benoit (University of New Hampshire , United States)
Thu, 20/06/2024
14:15 - 16:15
20B - MS (IV)
PSVI Plenary Session VI

Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Antonio Gens Solé (UPC)
Chaired by:
Dr. Antonio Gens Solé (UPC , Spain)
Thu, 20/06/2024
16:45 - 18:15
Main Auditorium
CC Closure Ceremony

Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Marcos Arroyo (CIMNE)
Chaired by:
Prof. Marcos Arroyo (CIMNE , Spain)
Thu, 20/06/2024
18:15 - 18:30
Main Auditorium
Friday, 21 June, 2024
Technical Visit
Port of Barcelona on board the traditional “Las Golondrinas”
Fri, 21/06/2024
09:00 - 13:00