Plenary session “In memoriam” Michele Jamiolkowski

Prof. Michele (Mike) Jamiolkowski, who recently passed away, was, apart from his other academic, professional and organizational merits, an outstanding figure in the field of geotechnical and geophysical site characterization. For this reason, the organizing committee of ISC’7, with full support from TC102 took the decision of including in the program a plenary session in his memory.

The session will be dedicated to highlight the contributions of Prof. Jamiolkowski to the field of geotechnical and geophysical site characterization, emphasizing their originality an historical importance but also discussing their current relevance.

The session speakers will be Professor Sebastiano Foti (Politecnico Torino) and Professor Rodrigo Salgado (Purdue University, USA).

Prof. Sebastiano Foti
(Politecnico Torino, Italy)

Prof. Rodrigo Salgado
(Purdue University, USA)