18A - MS (IV) 18A - MS Sources of error in CPTu testing
Corresponding Organizer: Mr. ALLAN MCCONNELL (Insitu Geotech Services (IGS))
Chaired by:
Mr. ALLAN MCCONNELL (Insitu Geotech Services (IGS) , Australia)
Mr. ALLAN MCCONNELL (Insitu Geotech Services (IGS) , Australia)
Scheduled presentations:
Importance of Calibration Laboratories in In-situ Test Methods
N. Parasie*, G. Sinjorgo, L. Vrielink, J. Peuchen -
Does CPT Reference Value Drift Really Inform CPT Correctness?
A. McConnell*, M. Chapman -
Technical Note on Calibration for Cone Penetration Testing in Soft Soils
G. Scholey* -
Calibration Chamber Testing on Tailings for Interpretation of Partially Drained CPT
L. Qi*, H. Zhao, W. Liu, M. Etezad, J. Sharp, M. Talesnick, M. Ghafghazi -
Quantitative Assessment of Tip Saturation for High Quality Piezocone Testing
I. Rocchi*, L. Tonni, G. Gottardi -
Interpretation of Cone Penetration Tests in Gravelly Soil
K. Rollins, A. Walburger*, S. Amoroso, R. Dhakal, L. Minarelli, L. Marenghi, J. Roy