Quantitative Assessment of Tip Saturation for High Quality Piezocone Testing

  • Rocchi, Irene (Technical University of Denmark)
  • Tonni, Laura (University of Bologna)
  • Gottardi, Guido (University of Bologna)

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The research compares 2 CPTU profiles obtained with a same piezocone setup but having a different degree of saturation associated with the pore pressure measuring system. In the reference test, saturation was performed injecting 20cS silicon oil in the conduit connecting the porous stone to the pressure sensor and applying vacuum while submerged in oil for 15 minutes. The piezocone tip was then assembled with a saturated porous stone while submerged in oil. In the other test, the degree of saturation was purposely lowered by introducing air in the same conduct, whereas all other saturation steps were unchanged. The degree of saturation was compared quantitatively by measuring an analogue of the Skempton’s coefficient B, which is routinely used in laboratory testing to assess specimen saturation in a triaxial cell. The value associated with the saturation condition was measured employing a tool specifically designed for this purpose. The saturation procedures adopted were selected based on preliminary experimental activity in the laboratory, which provided target values of the pore pressure parameter corresponding to full or partial saturation. The CPTUs were performed at a test site presenting 10m clay unit followed by sand. The profiles measured were compared in terms of pore-pressure profiles, as well as the influence this had on corrected tip resistance, Soil Behaviour Type classification and mechanical properties. Additionally, a dissipation was performed for each test to compare consolidation parameters.