Analysis of DMT Results and Comparison with Other In Situ Tests in a Sensitive Clay of Eastern Canada

  • Silvestri, Vincenzo (Polytechnique Montreal)
  • Tabib, Claudette (Polytechnique Montreal)

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This paper presents a re-evaluation of test results obtained from an extensive series of in-situ tests carried out in a lightly overconsolidated sensitive clay of eastern Canada. The geotechnical investigation involved self-boring pressuremeter tests (SBPMTs), flat dilatometer tests (DMTs), hydraulic fracture tests (HFTs), and vane shear tests (VSTs). The first surprising result is that the in-situ coefficient of lateral pressure at rest, K0, deduced from DMTs, SBPMTs, and HFTs is much higher than expected. Second, the values of the overconsolidation ratio, OCR, computed from DMT data are also much higher than oedometer-deduced values. Third, undrained shear strengths obtained from SBPMT expansion curves are higher than both DMT- and VST- deduced values, with the latter tests yielding very similar results.