Geological and geotechnical study of a construction site in Porto Romano area-Albania

  • Malaj, Ardita (Altea & Geostudio 2000)
  • Allkja, Skender (Altea & Geostudio 2000)
  • Belliu, Julian (Altea & Geostudio 2000)
  • Kero, Iljana (Altea & Geostudio 2000)

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Porto Romano port complex new facilities are part of the expansion plans of Durres port and its modernisation. However, the relocation site presented many significant spatial and geotechnical challenges to be considered and mitigated. Soil conditions and the country’s high seismic activity meant the project required extensive feasibility and technical studies to find a safe and sustainable approach. For a detailed geological and geotechnical investigation of the area, various geotechnical, geophysical tests were carried out such as: borings, SPT test, CPTU test, Seismic refraction, MASW, Downhole and HVSR allowing to obtain the fundamental resonance frequency of the ground. Field recordings per each layer were than compared and calibrated to the results and tests performed in the laboratory. The construction site displayed a variety of soils from soft to firm silty Clays, to loose to medium dense silty Sands and layers with high organic content. During execution of SPT tests, sandy layers gave more satisfactory results, meanwhile, for silty CLAY layers, the results of CPTU testing were considered in analysis. This detailed soil investigation and characterization served to properly design the new port facilities, identify and protect from the liquefaction phenomena at this specific site.