Compacted Landfill Quality Based on DMT

  • Penna, Antonio (Damasco Penna)
  • Macedo, Anderson (Damasco Penna)
  • Freitas, Gustavo (Damasco Penna)
  • Melo, Luhan (Damasco Penna)

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For the last 25 years we have been using DMT tests to check the quality of landfill compaction. In several situations of large areas subject to earthmoving, significant pathologies were observed associated with the occurrence of settlements, determined by poor compaction of landfills. These settlements affect the internal floors of buildings, external floors, and sometimes the foundations also. With the intense use of the DMT test as a usual geotechnical investigation practice, it was possible to group the results of these tests, separating them into cases of good, average and bad behavior. With these systematic observations, it was possible to adapt the traditional graphical representation proposed by Silvano Marchetti, relating the material index "Id" with the dilatometer modulus "Ed", creating regions that represent well-compacted landfills, those with medium compaction and poorly compacted landfills. This system makes it easy to predict the settlement behavior of compacted landfills and represents an appropriate method for checking the quality of compaction.