Interpretation of geotechnical data from an upstream dam for preparation of the site response analysis

  • Durval Soares de Carvalho, Wesley (Vale)
  • Andrade, Thalita (Vale)
  • Viola, Raphael (KCB)
  • Neto, Miguel (Vale S.A)
  • Eloi, Danilo (Vale S.A)

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Due to recent dam failure events occurring in Brazil, changes to Brazilian legislation and standards were proposed, introducing the concept of “decharacterization” of tailings structures built upstream. However, behavior understanding of a structure goes beyond the construction and/or excavation processes and includes an analysis of the dynamic behavior. In Brazil, the seismic context has shown important advances requiring specific SEISMIC ANALYSIS for the site of the structures as well as the seismic response of the change profiles, which require a variability of field and laboratory tests in search of more specific responses. Objective of this paper is to present the interpretation and limitations of geotechnical data (CPTu, S-CPTu, geophysical and material characterization tests) and seismic records, which supported the preparation of the site response analysis of a containment dam of tailings raised upstream, located in the Minas Gerais state, built with an initial mass and three rises upstream, on a foundation of iron ore tailings. The site response analysis was based on a specific PSHA for the site, and analysis profiles positioned on the axis of the crest (Column 01) and another at the foot of the structure (Column 02). Furthermore, its thickness, specific weight, shear modulus degradation curve and critical soil damping increment as well as shear wave velocity measurements were defined for each layer of the profile. Results showed the development of maximum accelerations along the profiles, showing greater influence on the soft foundation tailings layers. The level of amplification or attenuation is also influenced by the thickness of these layers as well as the frequency content of the applied earthquakes. From these assessments, the need to review or update seismic parameters that are normally used in engineering projects in Brazil, as is the case of the seismic coefficient used in pseudo-static analyses, was discussed.