15h30 - 16h15 PLENARY LECTURE - Machine learning tools for the treatment of offshore site investigations

  • Stuyts, Bruno (Vrije Universiteit Brussel & UGent)

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During geotechnical and geophysical site characterisation for large infrastructure projects, significant data volumes are being collected which need to be processed and interpreted. Due to the limited budgets available for site characterisation and the various sources of uncertainty, the interpretation relies on a combination of data from various sources (e.g. in-situ and laboratory tests), the use of parameter correlations from the literature and expert judgement. In recent years, modern data science techniques have become increasingly accessible to practicing engineers and researchers and they offer the possibility to improve several aspects of the site characterisation and parameter selection process. Machine learning models can be trained on high-quality datasets and expert judgement can also be internalised in the model formulations. In this contribution, the role of data science and machine learning for geotechnical site characterisation is discussed based on several example applications using datasets from offshore wind farm projects. The role of data coverage and data quality is discussed as well as the role of geophysical data for interpolating geotechnical point measurements in a quantitative way. Supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques are explained and illustrated on the provided datasets. Finally, a perspective is given on the role of the emerging Large Language Models (LLM) for geotechnical site characterisation applications.