In Situ Test Methods for Thermal Site Characterisation – A Comparison

  • Vrielink, Leon (Fugro)
  • Peuchen, Joek (Fugro)
  • Parasie, Nico (Fugro)

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The demand for thermal site characterisation has risen noticeably in the past decade. This rise can be attributed to a growing need for accurate thermal site characterisation, a vital component for design of geothermal energy solutions and the design of power cable networks. For asset design, thermal properties of soil are typically derived from laboratory tests and in-situ tests. The thermal information is typically incorporated in a ground model based on an integrated scope of geodata such as geological, geophysical, environmental and geotechnical data. This paper focusses on a comparison of in-situ test methods for thermal site characterisation of soil. The comparison considers method applicability, maximum test depth, test duration and uncertainty of results. A distinction is made between four categories of in-situ tests: (1) in-situ tests using active heat generation, (2) in-situ tests using passive heat generation, (3) in-situ test correlations, and (4) integrated systems, providing supplementary data.