New processing methodology of televiewer data for the definition of geotechnical and structural domains

  • Heredia Bilbao, Martín (GEM, Geociencias y Exploraciones Marítimas)
  • Sánchez Marín, Rubén (GEM, Geociencias y Exploraciones Marítimas)
  • Cano Martín, Rafael (Mineral Los Frailes (MLF) - Grupo México)
  • Deu Lozano, Amadeu (GEM, Geociencias y Exploraciones Marítimas)
  • Martínez Diaz, Patricia (GEM, Geociencias y Exploraciones Marítimas)

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Six structural domains were defined using data from acoustic televiewers and oriented boreholes in the frame of the reopening of the old Aznalcóllar mining site in Sevilla, southern Spain, by Minera Los Frailes (MLF). Additionally, geotechnical subdomains were defined within each structural domain, classifying the subdomains based on geotechnical parameters obtained from the geotechnical logging of boreholes and through correlations. The methodology used to define the domains allows mine design and planning to be done with enough accuracy to determine the underground excavation needs and the systematic methodology. The main source of this new structural information was acoustic borehole image televiewers (ABI) and, on a much minor scale and as a complement for ABI data, oriented boreholes. This paper describes the methodology used for this definition, some of the challenges encountered during the investigation, the main results obtained and the utility of these defined structural domains in the development of the MLF mining site reopening. Additionally, a preliminary approach to an updated methodology in the definition of structural domains with the combination of televiewer data, both acoustic and optical, with data obtained from other downhole probes is also included.