Gassy Soils ofF the Llobregat Delta: Impact on Geomechanical Characterization

  • Tarragó, Dani (CIMNE - UPC)
  • Gens, Antonio (UPC - CIMNE)
  • Deu, Amadeu (GEM)

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The presence of biogenic gas in the soft soils of the Delta del Llobregat at the Port of Barcelona has already been reported by various authors based on geophysical investigations and in-situ tests. As the impact of gas presence on soil behaviour remains uncertain, it is of interest to describe the behaviour of these gassy soils as they may affect future expansions of the Port of Barcelona. Recently, in new geotechnical investigations at the Port of Barcelona, gas emissions have been observed, in several locations in the vicinity of the South breakwater, while performing in situ tests (CPTu and SDMT) or during borehole drilling. Samples were extracted from those boreholes that were subsequently used for laboratory tests. Given the potential impact on geotechnical properties, the results of the investigation were utilized to increase the understanding of gassy soils. Essentially, the focus was on detecting anomalies in geotechnical parameters at the points where gas was detected. These anomalies were also correlated with observations of soil structure obtained from micro-CT scanning X-ray images of undisturbed samples from the zones where gas was present.