Installation of Load Cells in Ground Anchors

  • Laqué, Tony (InGeoLAC)
  • Aceñero, Eusebio (Aginteco Consulting & Ingenieria, S.L.)
  • Pérez, Óscar (Aginteco Consulting & Ingenieria, S.L.)

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Load cells are used to mensurate the tension (kN, t) in ground anchors and in tendons in pre- or post-tensioned structures. Before installing and commissioning, it is strictly necessary to know the characteristics of the post-tensioned anchors to control as well as the installation and service scenery, just like for any monitoring system. Although it may look like a simple assignment, there are a number of considerations to take into account before supplying and installing a load cell. The geometry of the anchor head, the measurement range, the expected precision, the type of output signal and data transmission, temperature variations in the structure, as well as the assumed service life are factors to be carefully evaluated when choosing a load cell. The sort of tensioning jack and the design load steps are additional features to detail before purchasing a load cell. When installing a load cell on a tieback, this is transformed into a measurement element in the project, helping to understand the surrounding area during construction, not to mention control for medium- and long-term performance. To ensure load cells’ values are correct, we must take extra care with installation. Otherwise, the outcome will be flawed, and it will lead to erroneous conclusions and actions, with the subsequent increase in risk and loss of money. Bearing in mind we manufacture and supply cable and bar ground anchors and considering the different national and international guidelines and standards, in this presentation we share our experience regarding design, installation and follow-up of load cells as elements to monitor the behaviour of anchored structures and their area of influence.