Dynamic modulus E_kd evaluation by dynamic penetration test

  • Lopez Retamales, Sebastian (San Sebastián University)
  • Benz, Miguel (Sol-Solution)
  • Canou, Jean (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)
  • Dupla, Jean-Claude (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)
  • Espinoza, Sebastian (Pontifical Catholic University of Chili)

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Dynamic penetration tests (DPT) have been routinely employed in the geotechnical characterization of the subsoil in different types of engineering projects. The evaluation of the results of these tests has been performed considering a limited number of parameters obtained in the field, so the definition of new parameters allows a more accurate evaluation of soil characteristics. The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology for the evaluation of the dynamic modulus E_kd based on the analysis of the dynamic force and velocity signals recorded in each hammer impact. Variable energy DPT tests were performed on Fontainebleau NE34 sand specimens in a K_0 calibration chamber. For each hammer impact on the penetrometer, a decoupling and wave reconstruction method was applied to obtain the force and velocity signals at the cone-soil interface, which are analyzed in the frequency spectrum to obtain the E_kd modulus. The results show that it is possible to evaluate the dynamic modulus at different vertical loading conditions and independent of the impact energy level of the hammer on the penetrometer.