Development of international standard on the use of geotechnical instrumentation under the ISO umbrella

  • Raventos, Josep (SOCOTEC)

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In 2010 a process was started to stablish international standards on geotechnical in-strumentation under the ISO umbrella. General concepts of these standards were pub-lished in 2015, the first part on extensometers in 2016, the inclinometers document in 2017, total pressure cells in 2020 and piezometers in as well. All these documents have been published in English and French all over the world. In Europe these docu-ments have been published under EN_ISO 18674. Part 8 on measuring load by means of load cells is in the last steps of the approval process and probably Will be published this 2023. The aim of the paper is to show the development and specific role of these standards on the use of geotechnical instrumentation.