Experimental and Numerical Investigations of CPT End Resistance at Variable Penetration Rates in Mixed Soils

  • Arafianto, Aflizal (The University of Western Australia)
  • Tian, Yishan (The University of Western Australia)
  • Lehane, Barry (The University of Western Australia)
  • Suzuki, Yusuke (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute)
  • Reid, David (The University of Western Australia)

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This paper evaluates cone penetration test (CPT) end resistance under various drainage conditions in mixed soils through numerical simulations and piezocone experiments in laboratory testing chambers. The soil samples used in the laboratory tests contained various proportions of kaolin, silt, and sand. The piezocone tests were performed using a 10 mm diameter cone in consolidated soil samples. The measured variations of cone resistance and pore pressure at cone velocities varying from 0.005 mm/s to 30 mm/s are presented, which covered the full range from drained to undrained conditions. The cone resistance was evaluated using the spherical cavity expansion limit pressure predicted in Finite Element (FE) analyses that employed the NorSand (NS) constitutive model. The experimental and numerical findings allow investigation of the suitability of the normalised velocity (V) term, proposed by others, to unify cone resistances measured at variable rates.