A Soil Base Model of Adjacent Various Story Structures

  • Samorodov, Oleksandr (O.M. Beketov National University (NUUEKh))
  • Tabachnikov, Sergii (O.M. Beketov National University (NUUEKh))

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The paper proposes an improved soil base model in the form of a continuous layer of finite distribution capability to simulate and calculate adjacent multistory structures in the base - foundations - structures system using powerful calculation packages such as SOFiSTiK, ABAQUS, PLAXIS, SCAD, Lira and others. The improved model considers the parameters of the stress-strain properties of the soils of the bases, the geometric profile taking account of the distribution capability of the base and different boundary conditions, but differs from the existing models in that it has a stepped geometric profile at the lower boundary of the model because of different compressible layer depths under each foundation of the structures. The use of this model improves the accuracy of simulating a soil base for large-sized foundations of adjacent structures to obtain reliable results of the stress-strain state of the base - foundations - structures system. An example demonstrates how to simulate and calculate raft foundations of a two-section multistory building in the base - foundations - structures system that interacts with an improved soil base model (linear strains of soils under loads are considered here) with reference to different numbers of stories of the sections. The numerical study results show on a specific calculation example that considering different compressible layers depths in the model under differently loaded foundations results in an increase in moment forces of up to 65% as compared with simulating the whole compressible layer, which may lead to the disruption of large-sized raft foundations.