Geotechnical Characterization of an Earthfill Constructed from Schist Residual Soils

  • Cruz, Nuno (Mota-Engil Global/University of Aveiro)
  • Cruz, Jorge (Mota-Engil, S.A)
  • Paiva, Fernando (Mota-Engil, SA)
  • Rodrigues, Carlos (Polythecnic Institute of Guarda)
  • Ferreira, Alexandra (Ascendi)

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The case study presented herein refers to the geotechnical characterization of an earthfill composed by evolutive materials obtained from the de-structuration of schists, which has revealed excessive settlement. The performed geotechnical characterization consisted in boreholes and regular SPT tests, Dynamic Probing (DPSH), Piezocone (CPTu) and Marchetti Dilatometer (DMT) tests, as well as triaxial, shear box, consolidation and identification tests. DMT and CPTu tests were selected also because of its ability of giving information on stratigraphy and unit weights. The whole set of obtained results are presented, compared and discussed, revealing a clear convergence between results as well as some interesting particularities that may be useful in the fill characterization