Combining penetration resistance and shear-wave velocity to quantify soil microstructure for liquefaction assessment

  • Andrus, Ronald (Clemson University)

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This paper discusses two ratios involving penetration resistance and shear-wave velocity (Vs) that have been proposed for quantifying the influence of microstructure in aged and cemented soils for liquefaction assessment. The first ratio is the small-strain shear modulus (Gmax) divided by the cone penetration test tip resistance (qc). Because Gmax/qc is dimensionless, it can be expressed as a ratio of measured Vs divided by a function of qc with velocity units. The second ratio is the measured Vs divided by an estimated Vs from penetration resistance-Vs relationships for relatively young sand deposits (MEVR). The advantages and limitations of both ratios are discussed. The influence of various fines content (FC) corrections on Vs, penetration resistance-Vs relationships, and a relationship between MEVR and the liquefaction cyclic resistance ratio correction factor for microstructure (KDR) is evaluated using two published datasets. The results show the FC correction to Vs is minimal in the range for which the correction was derived. The FC corrections to qc and standard penetration test blow count are significant for silty soils, having a net effect of lowering the penetration resistance-Vs relationships and increasing the slope of the MEVR-KDR predictive relationship.