Investigation of the Relationship Between CPT Cone Resistance and Relative Density for a Range of Granular Soils

  • Tian, Yishan (Fugro Belgium)
  • Lehane, Barry (University of Western Australia)

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This paper presents an investigation of the effects of the properties of reconstituted granular soils on the relationship between CPT cone resistance (qc) and relative density (Dr). The results from a large number of calibration chamber tests conducted at a number of stress levels and involving soils with various shapes, compressibilities and mineralogies are presented. The paper also provides data recorded in a parallel series of investigations into the mechanical properties of the granular soils employed in the chamber tests. It is shown that there is a strong influence of the nature of granular deposits on qc vs Dr relationships and that there is a near linear relationship between the cone resistance and the critical state friction angle for sands reconstituted at a given Dr and stress level.