On the Effectiveness of MOSTAP Sampling in Tailings

  • Oelofse, Pieter (Srk Consulting)

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The MOSTAP sampling apparatus is a popular tool in geotechnical investigation, since MOSTAP sampling can be done efficiently and cost effectively with the same rig used for CPT testing. Although few publications exist discussing the nuances and application of the MOSTAP sampler in practice, it is generally found that the MOSTAP sampler provides lower quality undisturbed samples when compared to piston tube or block samples. This paper discusses the experiences and learnings from geotechnical investigations where the MOSTAP sampler was employed in platinum and discard sand tailings in Southern Africa. A comparison between different sampler diameters at the same site showed significant improvements in sample recovery with larger diameter samplers. Ancillary equipment such as a core catcher and nylon stockings have significant effects on sample recovery and quality. The soil type and degree of saturation of samples also have a significant effect on sample recovery and sample quality. Transportation and storage of samples were identified as major contributors in moisture loss and sample disturbance. Even with the potential challenges in obtaining a representative sample at depth, MOSTAP samples are shown to be greatly beneficial in evaluating a soil profile and density determination with high confidence, especially when paired with index tests. The opportunity is identified where diligent sample measurement and tracking can provide reliable and invaluable information about a relevant soil stratum. Advanced laboratory testing (e.g., triaxial and oedometer tests) is not recommended on undisturbed MOSTAP samples, these should rather be remolded for critical state line testing, if relevant.