Shear Wave Velocity Derived from Cone Penetration Tests In Clayey Soil Layers

  • Li, Weichao (Tongji University)
  • Ma, Xulong (Tongji University)
  • Luo, Lunbo (Science and Technology Research Institute China Three Gorges Corporation)
  • Ouyang, Zhongkun (Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School)

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Based on Cone penetration tests (CPT) data, a number of soil’s physical and mechanical parameters can be interpretated, like shear wave velocity, etc. Even though various studies have been conducted and methods are proposed, uncertainties still exist and the applicability of each method needs be further clarified. A case study on the interpretation of CPT results is performed which based on the measured data from an offshore site close to East Sea, China. This paper focus on clayey soil layers and presents an assessment of CPT data interpretation methods for the derivation of clayey soil’s shear wave velocity. It shows that Long’s method proposed in 2010 (C1) and Cai’s method proposed in 2014 (C2) provide better predictions of shear wave velocity. Additionally, values of soil unit weight used in the shear wave velocity derivation can also be interpretated from CPT data since it shows ignorable effect on the interpretated velocity profile.