Determination of the S-wave propagation velocity of ballast by Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves

  • Ruiz Bravo, Rubén (CEDEX)
  • Tijera Carrión, Ángel (CEDEX)
  • Estaire Gepp, José (CEDEX)
  • Santana Ruiz de Arbulo, María (CEDEX)

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The Laboratorio de Geotecnia-CEDEX uses some software and tools for studying different phenomena and performance of track sections. For this purpose, it is usually necessary to determine the S-wave (shear elastic wave) velocity of the different layers in the track section which typically are, from bottom to top: natural ground, embankment, form layer, sub-ballast and ballast. The Laboratorio de Geotecnia-CEDEX has experimental S-wave propagation velocity (Vs) values of embankments, form layers and sub-ballast layers, obtained from several campaigns where the Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) was applied on the different layers during the construction of several track sections. To complete the studies and to obtain Vs values for the ballast layer, two campaigns were carried out in the CEDEX Track Box (CTB), a railway testing facility where it is possible to test complete railway sections on a 1:1 scale; and a field measurement campaign on an in-service railway track. Due to the discontinuous nature of the ballast layer carrying out tests to obtain Vs presents serious problems. To avoid these problems, a new procedure was developed to obtain these values using the SASW method by installing sensors on top of the sleepers. Through the interpretation of measurements taken with the SASW technique on the ballast, the dispersion curve is obtained, and from it, the values of Vs are calculated. The results are presented in this article and are also compared with values found through a literature review obtained or estimated by other authors.