Crossing a Landslide Area by a Motorway

  • M. Pinyol, Núria (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
  • Di Carluccio, Gaia (CIMNE)
  • Moya, José (CIMNE-UPC)
  • M. Bertrand, Josep (Acciona Construcción)
  • Alonso, Eduardo (CIMNE)

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A 2 km long portion of a motorway in Barcelona was almost complete in 2009. Budgetary restrictions led to a halt of construction. In the period 2009-2018 the motorway experienced severe damage concentrated in three shallow valleys where the motorway was supported by soil embankments and, in one case, by a reinforced concrete wall. It turned out that the valleys were ancient landslides and the embankment weight reactivated the three slides. When construction works resumed in 2008, the damaged embankments were removed and substituted by bridges supported by pile foundations. The central piles were designed to resist the thrust of the active landslides. The design was completed by piled walls parallel to the motorway to further stabilize the landslides. The motorway and the bridges occupy the mid elevation of a larger river valley. The wide roadway platform (40m) required excavations at the mountain side, embankments at the river side, and additional stabilizing measures by anchored resisting walls. The geology is formed by a bedrock of Miocene conglomerate, sandstone and claystone layers dipping 15-25º towards the river. The bedrock is covered by an discontinuous quaternary clay and gravel formation cons . Sliding surfaces were located within the claystone layers or at sandstone-claystone contacts. A comprehensive monitoring system was installed to follow the response of the foundation piles and pile walls (pile inclinometers, inclinometers in the natural soil next to piles, piezometers for continuous recording, load cells at anchor heads, and satellite monitoring of displacement). Geotechnical investigation included a high number of rotary boreholes, dilatometers data, and shear tests on recovered specimens of striated shearing surfaces, which were compared by residual ring-shear data. The paper presents some of the recorded data in the recent past and interprets their results in view of the comprehensive modelling works developed in the period 2018-2023.