In Situ Measurement of Soil Thermal Properties: a New Prototype

  • Garcia-Fontanet, Angel (PRO GEO - Consultores Geotécnicos Asociados S)

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As part of the THERMALTUNNEL R&D project of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, a soil penetration prototype has been developed that measures soil temperature and the thermal properties of the ground (thermal conductivity and specific heat) at different depths. The prototype is the size of a conventional CPT and contains an internal heat source with local thermocouples. A data acquisition system measures the temperature both in the prototype itself and in the surrounding ground through a penetration needle protruding from the main body of the prototype. The thermal parameters are determined by analysing the measured heating and cooling temperature curves using the finite element codes CODE_BRIGHT and G-PFEM. In this later numerical code, a thermal analysis module has been incorporated within the framework of the project. The operation of the prototype has been satisfactory in laboratory tests through a calibration chamber setup with granular soil under different controlled conditions of water saturation and porosity to assess the impact of those variables on the obtained values of soil thermal conductivity and specific heat. The back-analysed parameters from the calibration chamber results have been compared with point tests (thermal conductivity and specific heat tests). The project has been developed with the cooperation of CIMNE – International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering.