Deriving Strength Parameters of Granitic Residual Soils from Menard Pressuremeter Tests

  • Rodrigues, Carlos (Polythecnic Institute of Guarda)
  • Cruz, Nuno (Mota-Engil Global/University of Aveiro)
  • Mateus, Cárin (Mota-Engil Global/University of Aveiro)

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Residual soils are non-textbook materials that are hard to be modelled by traditional soil mechanics, which creates serious difficulties in the in-situ test interpretations and the consequent applications to geotechnical design. Portuguese research institutions have been looking over the granitic residual soil characterization through specific research works, from which resulted several publications on the subject. Following previous research works of calibration with DMT (Cruz, 2010) and SCPTu (Cruz et al. 2018) tests performed in IPG Guarda Polythecnic Institute, a new research frame was developed to settle a methodology for obtaining strength parameters of granitic residual soils from pressuremeter tests (PMT), which is presented and discussed herein